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Advantages of using water softeners

What are the advantages of using water softeners?

Water softeners are one of the most overlooked appliances in homes. Our habits in the bathroom have changed over the last few years and the way we wash is now predominately done via the shower. The bath has become a luxury and not a necessity as the shower has developed into an all singing and dancing mode of washing. With the introduction of body jets, rain shower heads and thermostatic controls the shower is most peoples regular haunt. Lifestyle changes have dictated the move and this has caused Combination boilers to become the most popular type of boiler sold on the market. This type of boiler gives you instantaneous hot water and does not require storage tanks. This is perfectly suited to the quick mode of washing that is the shower. The fact that combination boilers do not store hot water, has slightly left the hot water copper cylinder redundant and also the water softener. Water softnersWater softeners have their popularity in certain areas and for those that like a slightly better lather may shout the praises of water softeners. Unfortunately at Mr Central Heating we have found them to be a bit inadequate. This is due to a series of disadvantages and trends as we have described above that are not helping with the sales and demand of a water softener. One major downside is the fact that it takes working water pressure from the incoming main, which in the world of a combination boiler or unvented cylinder (which is now really the only way to store hot water) is a real problem. Water flow here is a paramount consideration for hot water heaters and other water using appliances. The advantages and main benefit of a water softener is pretty obvious as it softens the water and reduces scale. It is also said to improve the lather and save on appliance costs that can scale up over a period of time. Washing machines can be impacted with scale buildup. Some people report that soft water can keep the bathroom a little cleaner since the scale buildup of scale and even soap scum is reduced. Water spots on glasses are a all too common complaint with hard water. Although getting a good lather quicker, whilst using less water may improve water efficiency, over time it probably won't have too much of an impact on your general carbon footprint!

Is soft water or hard water beneficial in any way?

Some people have definite preferences as to whether they want hard or softened water to wash with. Some people with sensitive skin may prefer soft water instead of hard water since hard water can make it harder to wash with, or harder to shave with since it takes a little longer to get a good quantity of lather. People may be keen to look at some of the water softening systems on the market, or explore how these devices may impact the water supply. Personal preference can play a part here. Ultimately it is possible to use a water system to help with water hardness, but for many it is possible to simply get used to the water supply that you have. Generally the water quality is not impacted, but again, what a person has grown up with may influence their choice. Some people like the silky, smooth feel of softer water whilst others dislike it. Health concerns with untreated hard water are also a reason why a person may consider using water softener. There is discussion as to whether hard water is a cause of heart disease, or as some sources suggest is actually good for you due to the increased mineral content. If you are concerned about this then certainly research medical journals for more information. The taste of your drinking water can dictate if you wish to install a water softener or water treatment solution. Again some people prefer the taste of hard water, whilst others, soft water. For those with a preference for softer water when living in an area where hard minerals alter then constitution of the water then a drinking water filter can be considered. For example, it is common to filter water into a specific outlet, such as a water dispenser on a fridge, which can then soften both drinking water and also the water in ice makers, that are also devices that occasionally included within a modern fridge. Some individuals are so concerned about the quality of their drinking water they even sign-up for water deliveries on a monthly basis. With regard to heating appliances like combination boilers, scale can cause problem for the domestic hot water heat exchanger. So a limebuster or scale reducer is required on the cold mains. This is not a water softener and merely changes the ions in the water in order for scale not to form. One of the questions that we are sometimes asked about is what is the cause of hard water in the first place. Technically the main reason why hot water exists is because dissolved magnesium and calcium ions mineral deposits are found in high levels (when compared to soft water) in the water supply. This is normally a natural occurrence and is due to the location of the water and the rocks and ground that surround it. We do sell a mini-water softener which is the Fernox Quantomat which, in our opinion is the best way to soften water without having an impact on the water pressure that is often required by un-vented cylinders and combination boilers. Mini Water softeners