Energy Saving Tips for the Home
Nobody likes to spend money unless they have to, but when it comes to the energy usage in the home you might be surprised to find out how much money is wasted, and in many cases without even realizing it. The good news is that there are lots of different ways you can save money on your energy bills.You don't need a smart meter or energy monitor to start saving money on your electricity bills. By adopting some new habits, and a change in lifestyle you too can save a lot of money per year on your bills. Ultimately saving money on your heating will come down to a few specific aspects. Firstly, changing your habits to use less electricity and use energy wisely in the first place. Replace inefficient appliances such as washing machines and fridge freezers with the latest energy saving devices, and finally ensuring your home has the ability to retain heat properly. This means installing double or triple glazing, adding insulation where appropriate and tackling any areas where heat loss is occurring.

Energy Use
Kettles are great for heating hot water for your cup of tea, but make sure you only boil as much water as you need. Filling up the kettle every time you use it is not efficient and wastes a lot of energy. The latest kettles are also more economical so if you have an old kettle and drink a lot of tea, this might be a good investment.
Tumble dryers aren't very energy efficient and generally use a lot of energy. If you're looking to save money then it is better to avoid using your tumble dryer if you can help it. If it's not raining and you've got the outdoor space then why not dry your towels and clothing outside, instead of using the tumble dryer. You will use a lot less energy this way. Save the tumble dryer for those rainy days.
Light bulbs burn through a lot of energy when they are on, and often we light rooms and areas in our home when we're not using them. This is simply a waste of money. Save energy by switching off lights when you leave the room. Also, if you're not already using them switch your bulbs to the latest energy saving light bulbs. These more modern energy saving bulbs are very efficient in terms of energy usage and can save you money.
Standby mode doesn't use a lot of energy in small doses, but when electronics are left on continuously throughout the year, and across multiple devices the energy use mounts up. If possible avoid using standby mode and instead save the energy.
Your central heating system - One of the areas that many people spend a lot of money on is on their heating bills. Did you know you might be able to save yourself a few hundred pounds a year by simply turning down your heating by one degree. By setting a lower temperature, you might not even notice the change, but your wallet will.
Install Thermostatic Radiator Valves. These can help regular the temperature in each room more effectively and can save you money on your heating. These are quite cheap to buy and since they are relatively easy to fit your install costs should be quite low too. You could also consider installing an individual room thermostat which can also help control the heating output too. Another thing to consider is the very latest smart technology. A smart thermostat can save you money on your heating bills by learning your patterns and the way you live. These smart thermostats will monitor your behaviour and learn accordingly, changing its settings to match your usage and requirements.
Thermostatic Radiator Valves are a cheap and easy way to improve the efficiency of your central heating system whilst providing you additional control over your radiators. Shop for thermostatic radiator valves at Mr Central Heating.
Replace your central heating system. If your central heating system is very old and is approaching the end of its life you might be putting off from having to buy a replacement, since they are quite expensive, but longer term, your old central heating boiler may be costing you more money than you realise. The very latest condensing boiler models can operate up to 90% energy efficiency meaning that they will cost a lot less to run than an old-fashioned boiler. Ensuring your hot water tank is well lagged too can also help heat wastage. Again, a modern hot water tank can help with energy savings.
If you're looking for a new replacement boiler for your home, we supply a wide range of the very latest boilers that have great energy efficiency at Mr Central Heating

Water Bills
It's not just your energy bills that you need to worry about, your water bill is another source of expenditure that can be reduced.
Running taps can be a source of wastage if you leave taps running unnecessarily. One time when this might occur is when you are brushing your teeth. If a family of four all brush their teeth twice a day for two minutes and all leave the tap water running, then this equates to leaving the tap running for four whole days continuously a year. Clearly, a big waste of clean water and the cost of supply. So, one of the best habits to get into is to switch off the water when you are brushing your teeth.
Showers are known to be more efficient in terms of water use when compared to baths, but did you know you can improve this usage further with an efficient shower head? An efficient shower head restricts the amount of water that can flow through the shower head itself, and this can make big savings on the litre per minute figure. They may not be suitable for all shower design, or if you have low water pressure, so do check before you install one.
Washing machines use both electricity and contribute to your water usage. If you're in the market for a new washing machine try to buy one that is energy efficient, and ensure that you are using the Eco mode if one is fitted. The latest energy efficient appliances are much more efficient than older machines. Finally, always ensuring that the washing machine has a full load can help maximise the efficiency of each individual cycle. Avoid half loads where possible.
Flushing toilets are a major source of water use in the home. You might not realise it but not all toilets are efficient flushers. The good news is that if you have an old toilet you can upgrade the flushing mechanism to be more efficient. Fitting modern water saving Flush & Fill Valves to your toilet cistern can help.
Dishwashers are convenient but not the most energy efficient devices. If you do use a dishwasher make sure you have a full load before you switch it on. Often these devices are fitted with an Eco mode. So, it is a good idea to use it if it is available.
Other Ways to Save Money Now and in the Long Term
Changing Your Energy Tariff on a regular basis is one simple way to save money on your energy bills even if you don't change your habits or lifestyle. If you have stayed on the same energy traffic for a long time, then you may be paying more than you need. It's really simple to change energy provider so it is worth reviewing what you are paying on a yearly basis. You could end up saving hundreds of pounds in the long run. Energy prices can be different depending on the provider. In addition, you can get special deals and discounts when you switch energy supplier so this is worth doing.
Solar Panels are great if you have some spare money and want to go Eco-friendly then solar panels may be for you. Even in the UK where we do not get that much sun, solar panels can generate quite a bit of energy for the home, especially in the summer months. Another benefit for solar panels is that you can get special feed in tariffs which allow you to get paid for the excess energy that your solar panels are generating, in effect an extra discount on your bills. On the downside, it might take up to ten years before your solar panels pay for themselves. So may only be worth considering if you are moving into a home long term, dealing with a new build, or have a particular interest in improving your carbon footprint.
Draught Excluders are on the other end of the scale to solar panels in terms of overall cost, you can't beat a draught excluder for helping to retain heat in a room. A draught excluder is very cheap to buy and can help save you a bit of money on your home heating.
Home Improvements, fixing other areas such as draught-proofing windows and other areas of the home where heat is escaping is another great way to save money. Loft insulation is a must and other things such as cavity wall insulation may be beneficial in certain circumstances.
If you need to find more information about how to save money on your home energy bills then the Energy Saving Trust has more tips and advice. Our very own Central Heating blog