Hot Water Household Safety Guide
Every 1.5 minutes, someone in the U.K suffers from a burn or scald accident. Find out more about how you can prevent this kind of injury from happening in your home.We all know that injuries in the home are commonplace but did you know that children from birth to aged 4 and adults over 65 are at a great risk of an accident at home? Children suffer nearly 45% of all severe burns and scalds accidents and it is no surprise to read that about 50% of these accidents happen in the kitchen.
We have put together this practical guide to help keep children and elderly safe when using or in contact with hot water sources in the home. Here we have curated a few simple tips to reduce the risk of burns and scalding in your home. If you require more information we have also provided you with some online sources to check out.

Helpful tips:
In the Kitchen:
Try to keep your child out of the kitchen whenever possible
Ensure saucepans and kettles are well out of reach
Use a kettle with a shorter cord so that it is not easily reached and grabbed
If possible, place a safety gate across the doorway to restrict access to the kitchen when cooking
When cooking, use the rings at the back of the hob with the saucepan handle facing the back
Supervise any use of hot water sources (taps/kettles etc.)
In the Bathroom:
Test the temperature of bath water using your elbow before you put your baby or toddler in the bath.
Never leave your child alone in the bathroom where they can reach hot water taps.
Throughout the House:
Monitor the temperature of your hot water heater.
Perform regular checks and maintenance on your water heating system, from boiler to cylinder and even taps.
Keep hot drinks out of reach of children.
Keep matches, lighters and lit candles out of young children's sight and reach

Online resources
Find out more about how you can protect your family from serious burns and scalds from hot water with these helpful online resources.
First-Aid treatments for scalds and burns: Treat burns and scalds as quickly as possible to limit any damage to the. Stop the process – Cool the burn – Cover the burn – Treat the pain. Find our more here:
NHS – Burns and Scalds Prevention
UK Statistics on severe and fatal Injuries caused by scalding: These include risks to children, the elderly, people with reduced mental capacity (result of illness or injury), reduced mobility, a sensory impairment, or people who cannot react appropriately, or quickly enough; to prevent injury. Find our more here:
Government Consumer Safety Research - Burns and Scalds Accidents in the Home
Learn more about burns from boiling water here:
Healthline - Burns from Boiling Water
More Useful information:
Heating & hot water controls: The benefits of heating controls include reduced carbon emissions, saving money, scheduled heat usage and individual room controls. Thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs), cylinder and boiler thermostats, and timing controls are all addressed in this guide.
Kids safety tips / Keeping your kids safe around hot water: For kids from infancy to age 12, the prevention of burns from scalding is an important responsibility. Adjust the temperature setting on your water heater, and remember that a microwave can heat unevenly and create hotspots in foods and liquids.
Safety tips for seniors: In addition to checking the temperature setting on the water heater to avoid scalding, there are other practical tips to help seniors prevent injuries, including non-skid mats, shower chairs, and grab handles in bathrooms.
And of course, check out our own products from boilers to heating controls, we have everything you need to help reduce the risk of household injuries caused by hot water.