We supply lots of boilers every year and they are over 90% efficient at burning gas. THey could actually be way more intelligent and slightly more efficient if we sell a Nest Thermostat, reducing wasted energy heating an empty home. We can help our customers to make the right choice on a boiler and thermostat.
Hydrogen from renewable sporces could be the future way to heat our homes. Hydrogen is just as good as natural gas but does not produce any CO2, only water. With the implementation of Hydrogen Ready Boilers in 2022 we should be a step closer to helping our customers reduce theit carbon emissions for the future. It may also support our fleet of vehicles and power our distribution centres.
Selling and promoting products that increase efficiency and reduce heating costs should be a key driver in sales. Homescale Protect is an example of a simple device that can reduce energy and water usage as it makes appliances more efficient. Facilitation on saving energy and ultimately money is a core principle that under pins our ethos as a company.
Circular Economy
Capturing end of life products and recycling them correctly, so they do not end in landfill will save tonnes of CO2. The BoilerBox introduction offers customers a vehicle to easily dispose of their EOL appliance, with over 90% of materials recovered and recycled.
The Pump Dump allows for the collection of small parts that would ordinarily be lost, capturing them for re-engineering means we are not using new finite material in production.
Our fleet of over 100 vehicles can be utilised in a smarter ways by implementing a Green Van option. This will save us fuel, money and reduce our CO2 emissions. Plus our customers will get a better service.
Packaging is an intrinsic part of most products ensuring adequate protection from damage. This is becoming our liability and with the Packaging Take-back Scheme we can start to support our customers to deal with their waste. Because we have large amounts we can properly sort and bale cardboard, shrink wrap and polystyrene, maximising the recycling opportunity.
So far we have recycled:
8 Tonnes of cardboard
10 Tones of LDPE
Browse our range of Energy Efficient boilers today.